
3 Dental Myths People Still Believe

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Dental Myths

Despite their essential work and the great job that they do, dentists continue to have something of a strange reputation in the modern world. A lot of people are scared of visiting the dentist, and this leads to things like dental anxiety and high levels of stress.

Unfortunately, these problems aren’t helped by the large number of outdated dental myths which continue to be thrown around in the modern world, despite the fact that they have been proven false numerous times. 3 of the biggest dental myths that people still believe include:

  1. All Dental Care Products Are The Same

This is extremely untrue, and causes problems throughout the world. Starting with toothbrushes, everything is not the same. Generally, more expensive toothbrushes are better designed to look after your mouth and to clean your teeth better. Toothbrushes with softer bristles are better for your teeth than those with tougher ones, and cause less damage to your gums.

Toothpastes also come in a range of shapes and sizes. Most toothpastes claim to be the best at doing something, but the reality is that some are simply better than the rest. If you have a sensitive mouth or are prone to irritation from chemicals, you should consider using a specially formulated toothpaste which is designed for people with sensitive mouths.

  1. Bleeding Gums Isn’t Serious

In fact, the exact opposite is true. If your gums are bleeding, or if they bleed regularly – a condition known as gingivitis – you should be worried. Often, bleeding gums are a sign of underlying infections, degenerative tooth loss, or other oral health problems.

Although a lot of people suffer from these problems, it doesn’t make them any less serious. They cause huge amounts of oral health issues in people throughout the world. If you have bleeding gums, then you need to consult with your dentist regularly. Don’t ignore them, and book an appointment ASAP.



Health Issues and Faulty Plumbing

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Faulty Plumbing

Plumbing problems can cause more than structural or physical damage to your house. They can pose a major threat to your overall health. That means everybody in the household from you, your children and your pets. You have a leaky pipe? You better call the plumber, but you may need to call your doctor as well. There can be severe to minor health concerns associated with a bad pipe. Let’s take a look at some of the potential hazards and familiarise yourself with them.

Leaking Pipes

Leaking pipes go hand in hand with mould. Water damage to your walls, ceilings, floors, under your sink, and other areas are perfect breeding grounds for mould. Mould can grow in two days if there is sufficient moisture for it to breed. That’s not a long time.

Murderous Mould

If you live in a humid environment, you should know that mould is prone to grow if the humidity level gets too high. Condensation forming on your windows is the most obvious way to tell if the humidity inside is too high.

How does mould adversely affect your health? For starters, mould can make your allergies or asthma worse. Symptoms can include coughing, congestion, eye irritation, rashes on your skin, itchiness, a runny nose and asthma attacks. Mould can cause infections and these can lead to other respiratory diseases.



5 Reasons Why Fire Extinguisher Training Is Essential For Workplace Fire Safety

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Workplace Fire Safety

Although workplace fires are relatively rare, and most people will never experience one in their life, it is still very important to make sure that your workplace is prepared just in case one does happen. If a workplace fire occurs in an unprepared building full of people who don’t know how to act, the chances of serious injury or death are very high. Integral Fire Protection advises that one of the best ways that you can make sure that your workplace is well prepared for a fire is to implement compulsory fire extinguisher training.

Doing this will help ensure that at least some of the people on site will know what to do in the case of a workplace fire. Below are our top 5 reasons why fire extinguisher training is essential for workplace fire safety:

  1. It will teach people what extinguishers to use:

Fire extinguishers come in a number of different forms, each of which is designed for different types of fires. Using the wrong fire extinguisher on the wrong sort of fire can result in a range of problems, including the extinguisher actually fueling the fire. High quality fire extinguisher training will teach people what sort of extinguishers are appropriate for different fires.

  1. It will teach people how to use fire extinguishers right:

There is a right way and a wrong way to use any fire extinguisher. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t know what the right way is, and this often reduces their effectiveness when it comes to fighting a small office fire. Training can help people learn how to hold and use their extinguishers right, saving vital seconds in the case of a fire.



Do You Neglect Your Diet & Nutrition?

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Without a healthy diet that gives your body all the nutrition in needs, you cannot be healthy. But what is the best diet? How can we be sure our loved ones are getting the kind of nutrition they need? There are many fad diets out there and many people fall into the trap of dieting in an attempt to become healthier at some stage of their lives. It could be that they are overweight, in which case a diet may be necessary, but unless that diet provides all the nutrition your body needs to function properly – and unless you love it – it won’t be long before you throw it all over and return to your favourite foods, be they ever so unhealthy.

Healthy is happy

In actual fact, you can lose weight while still supplying your body with nutrition, without ever consulting a book on diets. Making sure you eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, and cut back on sugary desserts and fatty meats is usually enough to give you nutrition, keep you feeling full and give you energy as well. The more energy you have, the more exercise you will do, whether in the form of housework, gardening or taking up a sport.



4 Reasons Why Fitness is Important

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Fitness is an important part of our overall health for many reasons, but what exactly is fitness? It doesn’t mean that you can lift really heavy weights or even run a marathon, although people who can do that are certainly fit. For the average person, fitness at a group fitness facility helps us to live life to the fullest and encompasses the three important parts of our being; physical, mental and emotional health.

Doctors are increasingly aware that the three aspects of a person as above all play a part in the state of our physical health. For instance, if someone is under a lot of emotional or mental strain, it can cause them to become ill. Such stress can cause ulcers, heart attacks, strokes, digestive problems and more. But if the body is fit, the person will be in better health overall and able to ward off many physical ailments.

However, when we think of fitness, or being fit, we are usually referring to physical fitness and it is important for several reasons. (more…)


Celebrities Discuss Addiction and Recovery

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When it comes to drug addiction, no one is above the risk.  According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 23.5 million people aged 12 or older needed treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol abuse problem in 2009. Drug and alcohol abuse is an epidemic in the United States, and even celebrities have had their share of addictions. One of the biggest draws of AA, NA, and other addiction treatment programs, is hearing the stories of others. Here are a few celebrities who have fought to maintain sobriety:

On getting help:

“I’m very, very good at manipulating people, and that was something that I did in my disease, I would manipulate everyone around me. Weakness is living in denial. Only the strongest people ask for help.” –Demi Lovato, sober since 2012.

“The things I was putting in my body, my tolerance got so high. I got to the point where I couldn’t even count how many pills I was taking… I had overdosed in 2007, like right around Christmas in 2007… Pretty much almost died… I scared myself, like, ‘Yo! I need to, I need help. Like I can’t beat this on my own. I think that was my biggest problem… I mean, I’m sure that anybody with addiction—the biggest problem is admitting that you have a problem. Nobody wants to admit that they’re not in control of something.” – Eminem



Using Meditation To Help Your Recovery Process

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Millions of people are plagued by alcohol and drug addiction every year. Once you’ve completed your rehabilitation, the road to recovery never ends; you are constantly enhancing and rebuilding your road, finding better ways to cope and succeed. Meditation is one practice that serves as a vital source of added support during the recovery process. In fact, many treatment centers have adopted meditation as a part of their overall treatment program.

Understanding Meditation

Meditation is a powerful practice that has been used for thousands of years to lead the meditator towards enlightenment and spiritual connection. You don’t have to be religious or consider practicing meditation, as it is first and foremost about the self, and being one with your mind.

While there is no set time frame for practicing meditation, it is most effective when sticking to a routine. Like any sport, the more you practice, the better you get. Setting aside even just 20 minutes per morning to meditate before beginning your day will yield long term benefits. Meditation not only connects you to your mind and body, but is proven to be stress-reducing.



How Botox Injections Treat Migraines

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Many people think of Botox only in conjunction with removing wrinkles, but there are far more conditions that can be treated than cosmetic ones. Migraine affects many people, causing them to lose work time and become bedridden for several days in the worst cases. Botox treatment for migraines can bring amazing relief to the sufferer.

In fact, it was discovered that Botox can help chronic migraine sufferers by the patients themselves as they had Botox injections for wrinkle treatment. When Allergen, the company that makes Botox, found this out they were able to present the case for using Botox especially for migraines and have it approved for this use.

Why does Botox work for migraines?

It is not fully understood why Botox is good for helping migraine, but since it works to paralyse the nerves and muscles of the face, it is likely that these same nerves and muscles play a big part in causing migraine or are affected by the migraine and cause pain. When the muscles are paralysed by the Botox injections, there is much less pain.



11 Tips to Wear and Care for Your Dentures

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Care o Dentures

Over 50% of Australians over the age of 65 wear false teeth. Anyone who has dentures will know they need to be cared for properly. This might seem to be a nuisance, but it is necessary, and once you form the habit of doing it, it will simply become part of your evening routine. Here are some tips for looking after your dentures.

  • If you are new to wearing dentures, ensure you get proper instructions from your dentist not only in caring for them but in how to insert and remove them properly, since this varies according to the type of dentures you have.
  • Take time to get used to your new teeth. It is something of a learning curve, and taking it slow will help prevent damage to your mouth as well as your false teeth.
  • Daily cleaning with a soft brush and special denture paste is essential, but sometimes they still get stained. If so, soak them in a vinegar solution for a few hours. If that doesn’t work, take them to the dentist.
  • (more…)


The True Feelings of Ice Addiction

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I have never used meth, it was not my drug of choice, but it is for so many others. Truthfully it scares me. I’ve lost friends to its power and for those that don’t seek professional drug rehab or enter into some sort of self addiction recovery I have watched helplessly as it destroys the lives of those I know and care for.

Most people who use meth, I have found, really don’t want to at all, but the sway that it holds over those who use it is extraordinary.

When I found the poem below, “I am meth,” it blew me away, I’ve never used it, but I understand it, and I’m in awe of the way the writer has captured the truth of what happens with their words.

About a year ago, I found myself in a house with quite a few meth users, all teenagers, and all having a great time. I read the poem “I am meth,” and was amazed at the reaction. I killed the party. I began reading it to one person, but everyone ended up listening. The silence spread as if I was giving a presidential speech, and the noise did not come back. Everyone understood the truth of what they were doing and what they were feeling, quite a few young girls cried, and many people got angry. But everyone understood it, and knew they were trapped that it had stolen their souls, and that they were powerless.
