People love their dogs passionately which is why whenever subjects like dog grooming are being discussed, their views and beliefs relating to them are often ingrained. Unfortunately, this often leads to dog owners accepting advice about dogs they have been told without checking its validity, presumably because they believe that the person relating this advice being a dog lover would surely know what they are talking about.
The problem that exists is some of the so-called advice about dogs, and particularly about dog grooming, is complete nonsense. Worse, if followed, that erroneous advice can lead to the health of the dog’s coat and skin, and potentially their overall health, being compromised. For that reason, we have decided to highlight 7 of the most common dog grooming myths in the hope that if you currently believe any of them to be true, you will subsequently know to ignore them.
Myth #1 – Short-Haired Dogs Do Not Need Grooming: Simply not true. Whilst they may not have some of the problems that longer-haired dogs have, short-haired dogs still need baths, they still need their nails trimmed, still need their ears cleaned and brushing a short-haired dog regularly is still beneficial to their coat. Having a short-haired dog might be simpler in terms of grooming them but it does not negate the need to groom them completely. You can have help with your grooming at professional places, so you know your dog is in great hands.
Myth #2 – Dogs With Long Hair Always Shed More: Contrary to this myth, it is the type of coat that a dog has, rather the length of their coat that governs how much they shed. This is why some long-haired dogs shed very little, and some dogs with shorter coats shed considerably. The health of their skin and coat also play a significant role in shedding