
The True Feelings of Ice Addiction

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I have never used meth, it was not my drug of choice, but it is for so many others. Truthfully it scares me. I’ve lost friends to its power and for those that don’t seek professional drug rehab or enter into some sort of self addiction recovery I have watched helplessly as it destroys the lives of those I know and care for.

Most people who use meth, I have found, really don’t want to at all, but the sway that it holds over those who use it is extraordinary.

When I found the poem below, “I am meth,” it blew me away, I’ve never used it, but I understand it, and I’m in awe of the way the writer has captured the truth of what happens with their words.

About a year ago, I found myself in a house with quite a few meth users, all teenagers, and all having a great time. I read the poem “I am meth,” and was amazed at the reaction. I killed the party. I began reading it to one person, but everyone ended up listening. The silence spread as if I was giving a presidential speech, and the noise did not come back. Everyone understood the truth of what they were doing and what they were feeling, quite a few young girls cried, and many people got angry. But everyone understood it, and knew they were trapped that it had stolen their souls, and that they were powerless.
